Sunday, 11 March 2012

Week 28: grappling and sparring

Grappling class

No Lee tonight So Pete skilfully and dutifully stepped in.
Warm up: myriad of work down the matts to get the body ready for grappling: rolling, dragging and even the triangle pose from yoga too.

Bottom control disengage:
Person on the bottom needs to get up and away

Side control battle:
Get out of it by sweeping, reversing or regaining at least half bottom control.

Free form favourite submission denied: this was the limit placed on the drill by Pete. I selected leg suppression as my favourite but was working with a newer member so spent the time helping him to strangle me.

Eyes closed free form: worked with Ray who I have not seen for a while and through a post grappling chat discovered that he has shed 8 stones in weight! Astonishing work Ray

4 in the middle tag team for the rest. The brave souls in the middle had to grapple to submission before receiving a fresh body to work with. I enjoyed the physical chess with Sami, then Pete and finally Mischel. 

Free form with Tasio and Seb. The most memorable significant part of the free form was the double crushing Seb doled out. He excellent base, use of weight and technique. In addition he continually attacks

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