Thursday, 30 August 2012

Week 52: Long range striking defence and attack

Tonight saw the end of my first year training at Pro Mai MMA. Gone quick and as this blog show, much has been covered and learnt.

Started off with the Greco-Roman standing clinch drill. Following this we moved into any takedowns from clinch then striking in the clinch. I was a bit naughty in that I was using my head and posture to clinch meaning my arms were free to strike. I noticed that this allowed for more attacks putting my partner on the defence more. I got the idea from Randy's dirty boxing against the fence. Use positive posture to control coupled with a high tempo work rate.

Long range striking: Round kicks to the thigh.

We worked a sequence of drills building on the last to develop sound technique and ultimately creativity:

Checking round kicks;

If they continue to check then attack the rear standing leg;

Use footwork to evade out of range as well as to step into the kick. Both mean you don't get hit where the kick is at it's most effective and powerful;

Attacking with the rear hand when the kick comes in;

Faking the low kick (use the eyes to look down too) as you throw the rear hand to the head. Found this very hard as worked hard over the past year to keep my eyes up!!;

One body action with 2 attacks; the rear punch to the head and the round kick. Need to move the head out to the side for better delivery of technique.

Striking free form sparring rounds.

So here ends my first year at Pro Mai. Looking forward to the future learning with a supreme bunch of training partners under the quality observation and tutelage of fine teachers.

Week 51: Rich Cranny

Tonight we had the privilege to be taught by Lee and Rich Cranny who is the Head instructor for Pro Mai in Australia, PLatinum Extreme.

The focus was on groundwork and instead of my usual detailing of techniques and drills I will just include the learning tips I picked up.

1. Control the head control the body. Face bars are horrible.

2. Posture in grappling: concave spine to control his posture. Side control the pressure drives into the side of the rib cage not planted on top.

3. Pyramid concept of base.

4. Control with the body is much more effective than squeezing with the arms.

Really great session to have two high quality teachers complimenting each other in taking the class. Looking forward to seeing the vids going up on the MMA121 website soon...

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Week 50: clinch and takedown

Working on the crash mats:

Hip toss

Double leg and slam

Inner knee capture and slam

Fireman lift and slam

Single hip capture and slam

Free takedown play

Striking to find the clinch and takedown

Grappling with striking

Standing into grappling with striking.

Tonight ended for me by almost losing my right big toe nail. Currently it is hanging on by a thread and will be off in a few days. When I win the lottery I am going to donate a load of interlocking mats to the class to prevent nail rips.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Week 49: clinch and takedown

Greco-Roman takedown drill. Only allowed to attack from the waist up to secure the takedown.

Free form clinch and takedown.

Arm drag to get to the back from standing clinch.

Plum clinch to neck control and half nelson for the shearing takedown.

Clinch to fireman lift takedown.

Double and single hip capture, double and single leg takedown chain wrestling drill.

Zombie walk down. Striking to seeking the clinch against the walk down.

Strength and conditioning: 
Bicep wrestling - 10 s down, 10s up and 10s static hold. Partner is pushing and pulling and holding at your wrist to provide tension to work against.

Abdominal cycles plus v sit static holds

Full lotus lifts

Friday, 3 August 2012

Week 48: The hardest one yet

Clinching and striking:

Looking to obtain the body lock whilst swimming for clinch control and striking both defending and attacking. I had the pain of working with Milzy first who set a relentless pace with very accurate attacks. I tried to focus on keeping the neck strong and the eyes fixed on the centre of his head.

The drill evolved into hunting for the single leg capture too. I looked a few times but practised staying strong, fluid and employing as wide variety of attacks as possible in the clinch.

Gaining the clinch from striking range:

The attacker used striking to prevent the other person looking for the clinch. The standing grappler was not allowed to use striking but still needed to maintain a solid defense yet aggressive as needing to enter to get the clinch and then body lock.

Grappling and striking:
1. Hold down and prevent other from getting up.

2. 3 people on the mat (Me, Milzy and Charlie) assumed the positions (mounted, side control and turtle) and we were fighting to recover from the positions we found ourselves. When recovered a fresh body jumps in and it all started again. Then when all had been on the mat against each 3 of us, we swapped roles. Each of the 3 in the middle fought everyone in all 3 positions. Draining yet excellent training in terms of gas preservation and knowing when to explode out of a position. Smarter use of the body’s resources.

Training ended with freeform grappling. As I was so knackered at the end I was happy to watch the post training stand up sparring involving Charlie, Milzy, Simon, Angel and Lee.

I learned many new things tonight in how to set a pace, how to use my head better in the clinch, to be creative in my striking on the ground. Angel pounded my thighs with some excellent elbows, 24 hours later the legs still ache. Sami sunk in a very nasty Japanese neck tie to the point that I saw stars at the point of tapping, sweet grappling. It was truly exhausting tonight and truly enjoyable.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Week 47: clinch attacks, body shots and leg kicks

Attacking from shoulder control. As he pummels under throw the elbow. Also throw the punch by giving a little more distance. 

Neck control and using knees to thighs then the chest when he moves the legs.

Body shot from long range sparring. Looking to develop the timing and vision to find this attack.

Striking on the ground with big gloves. Limits the gripping potential so forces you to work positional striking.

Round kick then front kick drill. Only allowed to defend with footwork. Round kicks attacking the upper legs and front kicks at the torso.

Ended with conditioning: 10 count press ups, seal press ups, press up wrestling finishing with lying banana holds.