No grip stand up clinch fighting.
Tabata round 1 = press ups
2 minute rounds of 4 takedown set ups without breaking contact; single and double hip, single and double leg. At this point I was very tired from the Tabata and only a consistent pace and keeping the breath under control did I manage not only to survive but to keep up a good pace and receive some positive noises from Joe.
Tabate round 2 = body weight squats
2 minute rounds of getting to the knee when as an escape from top control. Again I was working with Joe and we had a very good pace going.
Tabate round 3 = lateral straight leg window wipers
Tabate round 4 = mountain climbers
Rear hand defensive drill. Joe gave me some good tips but I was proper knackered so ineffectively made improvements. But for the historical record they were:
stay out of range and move in on the end of his attack
evasive lateral motion
punch with the elbow in line with the wrist so the elbow is driving behind the punch.
Tabate round 5 = elbow plank to high plank
Hunting for the clinch against a skilled striker. I was working with
Tabate round 6 = sprawls
MMA rounds. I worked with Will and then Darren for double rounds. My knee gave out at the end of the grapple; a simple compression of the lower leg and bang.
A great video of Charlie and Ptas in action
More info about Tabata with a few video examples
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