Week 77: throws
Front hip lift: as with the naming convention it simply refers to the part of the body being used and on occasion a direction. Start in standard shoulder control clinch and the secondary grip on the tricep. Transfer to side body clinch with head on shoulder blade, squeeze the elbow together, thrust with the hips as you look up and lift onto your arching chest. To complete the throw relax the shoulder and dump him on the floor with you in a dominant position to continue.
Back hip throw: first looking at using shoulder control and tricep grip then and underhook and overhook clinch grip as this secures their shoulders. Anyway the first one we looked at was concerning the feet. Initial step is in front of his foot, not past, get your hips lower than his then attack with your chasing foot. That one steps a little deeper between his legs and triggers a fast insert of your hips into his hip space. Lift and throw.
Double leg takedown into calf trip: starting front body clinch, drop and change the level to go for the double leg takedown. Importantly shift the stance back a little to enable you to get the front knee to the floor. From here wrap the outside leg around their front calf and drive forward, keep the calf wrapped and thus controlled when they are on their back, you then move into your next positional transition.
Sitting takedown from side body clinch: step behind his knee so that you are square in your stance. Simply, sit your arse down whilst maintaining your body clinch grip. He should go down with you. Do not turn or rotate him as you go down, trust the motion.
Here is a great video of Rhonda Rousey in an open workout. She pulls off a few of the moves we trained tonight plus some we could never imagine!!!
How to beat Rhonda Rousey? Lee talked about how fighters try to work on escapes from her lethal and Olympic level arm extension, the truth is, as Lee stated that the focus should be before she can get you into this position. Out wrestling her in the clinch appears to be the key. Time will tell. She is technically so superior it might be a while before we see her bested.
Headhunting in big gloves v tactical small gloves: the fighter in small gloves uses smart footwork and tactical striking against wild aggression. Interestingly smart footwork enables a calmer and more focused mind and thus more effective use of the strikes.
Free form striking: as it says on the tin.
Wes' injury: Wes suffered a horrible injury tonight to his knee. I did not see what happened but only heard him in pain and prone on the floor. I did see the effect of the injury which was a patella west of where it should be. I only hope he heals quick and gets back to training soon. Accidents happen in sport and our despite the chaotic nature is relatively bereft of bad injuries. Rugby and football is far more frequently seeing nasty injuries.
The rest of went to the new facility for a Crossfit taster session. Below is what we did 2 rounds of. Matt, the owner of Crossfit Ivy kindly guided us through.
Crossfit: bad day at the fight
Burpee get ups
Kettlebell double hand swings
Dumbbell push-ups
Box jumps
Medicine ball throws
Slam ball
If I was 20 years younger...
The new space upstairs is going to be the home of Pro Mai. Looks great and the future is very exciting.
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